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It Takes A Village to

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Feed One Child

We are a non-profit organization dedicated to address food insecurity in PA, ensuring that no kid or adult gets hungry

At It Takes a Village to Feed One Child, we are dedicated to making a positive impact on the community by providing nutritious meals to children and adults in need.

Supporting Families

Nourishing Communities

Building a Brighter Future

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Fostering Enrichment,
Empowerment for Development

From helping your sites get approved to delivering the meals & snacks, to training, to helping remain compliant.


Today, we provide over 175,000 meals and snacks on a monthly basis to over 85 child, adult, & at-risk centers in Philadelphia, Delaware, Chester, Montgomery, & Bucks Counties

Program and Service 

The perfect solution for your facilitate or kids needs


Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) 

The CACFP provides reimbursement for meals served to enrolled participants in non-residential child or adult care facilities.

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Mobile Homeless Food Program (MHFP)

Through Corporate, Foundation, and Private Donors, we aim to secure funding and grants to create a mobile food program for the poorest communities in PA, taking food directly to the streets.


Weekend Meals for Children

As we extend our services to assist families in 2024, we're thrilled to introduce the "Weekend Meals for Children" program. The fundraising is now in progress! 

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More upcoming programs in the future

As we grow stronger, stay tuned for more programs, including launching a Senior Feeding Program.

Call or email today to

Become A Meal Sponsor or Beneficiary

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Office: 888-702-9610

Fax: 610-884-5222 


Don’t Just Take Our Words for It

Read our sponsors and beneficiaries have to say

I am extremely grateful for It Takes a Village! Last year, it was very difficult to get food service resources and supply food for the children in our program.

We were even turned away from being sponsored by other CACFP sponsors because our enrollment numbers were so low.

After reaching out and talking with Mark, I was so relieved to know that he would help us despite our program size. He also personally came out to train our staff in the summer and made sure that we were ready to go for the new school year! We highly recommend ITAVTFOC and will continue to remain with them for another year!

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The best food program.

Just alone, the name of this organization speaks volume! It really does take a village.

Mark does a great job in supporting childcare providers ensuring that we have what is needed by not only feeding children but also remain in compliance.

As a CEO, I understand the huge responsibility of compliance monitoring. Thank you for all you do.

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We love It Takes a Village to feed one child. The food is always good and high quality. The children get excited to eat and always clear their plates which makes for happy parents and teachers.

The delivery staff are always on time with our deliveries and we never have to worry about meals making it to us or not. All in all, ITAVTFOC is reliable, responsive and a high quality food program.

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Hunger Has NO Place in OUR communities

In 2025, we are thrilled to launch the "Weekend Meals for Children" program.


Our goal is to provide nutritious meals and snacks every Saturday and Sunday, initially with 1150 children daily, with the ultimate goal of offering boxed and/or bagged meals for approximately 2500 children DAILY (the estimate number we are serving right now) in the future. Your support makes this vision possible!

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Stay Connected

Follow us on social media for updates and impactful stories

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In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of
Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution
is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national
origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation),
disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.

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